Monday, July 22, 2013

Angel kisses (outfit #55)

This is a dress that I bought on Etsy, with a birthday gift card from my very generous brother and sister-in-law.  It's a Teena Paige dress and it has the sweetest little novelty print of angel faces with blue halos.  I'm wearing it with a bow belt to match the two velvet bows on the bodice.  My Bakelite bird earrings and perfectly matched hat are from an estate sale.  I thought it fitting that my own little angel appear in one of the pictures, since she has taken a recent interest in modeling my dresses with me. 
  The "modern-style" building behind me is the former Maytag Aircraft building, built in 1957.
It is located near downtown Colorado Springs, and you can view more photos of this building here
bakelite bird earrings 40s 30s 1950s dress black white Just Peachy, Darling
novelty print angel dress bow 1950s Just Peachy, Darling
1950s vintage mama style Just Peachy, Darling

Teena Paige 1950s dress ad Just Peachy, Darling
XOX, Hannah


  1. Oh wow! The hat and dress match so perfectly - you look amazing! I love Teena Paige's styles too but haven't found anything in my size/budget yet!

  2. Oh my goodness! How perfect is this dress!? I've never seen a print quite like it! And I am totally in love with the turquoise brick.


  3. This is your best look ever!!


  4. That dress fits you perfectly, it's so pretty and classy looking. And the earrings are to die for! Love the color.
    The baby is adorable too!

  5. You two are the sweetest thing together - how darling that she's developing an interest in modelling beautiful dresses, too.

    Love your frock - that pattern is so unique and charming!

    ♥ Jessica

  6. E looks so cute in her matching decade! Good look for you!

  7. Such a lovely dress and your daughter looks so cute.


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